Thursday, October 11, 2012

Accidentally getting fresh with one of my students...

Today was Wrap up day for my 5th graders. Wrap Up day always consists of a quick review in the textbook and then games, my kids love Wrap Up day. Today we played my modified version of tic tac toe. Each pair of students had a set of dice. On one of the die the faces had locations on them. On the other die the faces had actions that pertained to the previous lessons on them. The students had to roll the dice and then form sentences with the faces that they rolled. For example if student 1 rolled the dice and got:

They would then form the sentence, "May I play soccer in the museum?" and student 2 would either answer "Yes you may" if the action and location were a possible pair or "No you may not" if they, as in this case, were not. If they rolled a possible pair they then were allowed to draw an X or and O on their grid.

After explaining the game I called a student up to the front of the class to help me demonstrate. The student I called up is one of my more enjoyable students. He isn't particularly well-behaved or the best English speaker but he isn't afraid to participate, usually has something absolutely absurd and funny to say, speaks loudly (pretty much yells most of the time) and doesn't mind being my guinea pig. Lets call him Tom. So Tom and I start by playing rock paper scissors to see who went first. I won (of course!), so I rolled.

Me: "May I take pictures in your room?"

The class giggled and my student gave me a strange look. I thought he didn't understand me so I asked again.

Me: "May I take pictures in your room?"

The giggling got louder and again he said nothing...

Me: "Do you understand the game?
Tom: "Yes."
Me: "Okay, please answer, May I take pictures in your room?"

My class started was roaring with laughter now, I was confused. I had no idea what was so funny and wrong with that scenario...then it hit me,

I just ask my student if I could take pictures in his room.


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